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Video Calls

How To Host Better Video Calls

Do you struggle when it comes to videoconferencing? Videoconferencing has become a big part of work and life for many people since the COVID-19 pandemic, but many would admit that they find it difficult! There will always be an awkwardness when hosting a virtual meeting, particularly when it involves multiple people, but there are things that you can do to improve your video calls. A bit of prep and having the right equipment can make your calls more enjoyable and productive, so it is certainly worthwhile if you are often on video calls. Interested? Keep reading to find out more. 

Set An Agenda

First, you should always have an agenda. It is important to consider what you want from the video call and create a logical sequence of topics you need to get through. You can also share this agenda with other participants so that everyone is well-prepared for the call. This will ensure that all points are covered, there are no awkward silences, and time is maximized. 

Mute When Not Speaking

It is frustrating for everyone when there are background noises and when people speak over one another. Therefore, you should always mute your microphone when you are not speaking and encourage other participants to do the same. 

Use Fiber Internet

You need to have an internet connection that you can rely on. Fast, stable, and reliable broadband will allow for a seamless video call without lag and delays. Fiber internet is ideal for this as you can enjoy fast speeds and a stable connection. You can get fiber internet near Tampa, FL, from reliable providers that have a range of plans for you to choose from. This will improve your videoconferencing experience and prevent issues from arising.

Don’t Rush To Speak

Everyone has had those awkward moments when they speak at the same time, followed by awkward silences. These are inevitable when it comes to video calls, especially when nervous! While you need to embrace the awkwardness of video calls and expect these moments, you can also minimize them by avoiding rushing to speak. Be patient, only speak when you have something important to add, and do not worry about any silences that happen. 

Choose A Good Platform

You also need to make sure that you choose a good videoconferencing platform. There are many platforms to choose from, each with its own strengths, drawbacks, and features. Therefore, you need to consider your needs and pick a platform that will provide the best experience for all participants. 

Consider Lighting & Background

You should also think about the environment around you when making a video call. You want to make sure that people will be able to see your face clearly, so you need to have good lighting (natural light is best). You should also consider your background – you want to portray professionalism, so you should not be making professional calls from the sofa or in bed! 

Hopefully, the tips in this post will improve your videoconferencing experience and help you to feel more confident on video calls!

Written by
Zachary Douglas
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Written by Zachary Douglas