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Signs Wind Has Damaged Your Roof

Roofs are the unsung heroes of our homes, shielding us from the element’s day in and day out. However, they are also constantly under attack, especially in regions like Brisbane, where windstorms are not uncommon. While we often associate storm damage with obvious signs like leaks or missing shingles, wind damage can be sneakier and more insidious.

Understanding the signs of wind damage to your roof is crucial for protecting your home and preventing further deterioration. In this guide, we’ll explore 12 telltale signs that wind has damaged your roof, helping Brisbane homeowners identify and address issues before they escalate.

1. Missing Shingles or Tiles

One of the most apparent signs of wind damage is missing shingles or tiles. High winds can loosen or tear off roofing materials, leaving your roof vulnerable to leaks and further damage. Check your roof as often as possible, especially after severe weather events, to identify any missing or displaced shingles or tiles.

2. Lifted or Curled Shingles

Even if shingles remain in place, they can still suffer damage from wind uplift. Check for lifted or curled shingles, as this can indicate that the adhesive seal has been compromised, leaving your roof susceptible to water infiltration and deterioration.

3. Inspection and Repair

Engaging in regular inspections and repairs with common roofing services can help identify and address wind damage promptly. Professional roofing companies can assess the extent of the damage and recommend appropriate solutions to protect your home.

4. Cracked or Broken Shingles

Wind can exert tremendous force on roofing materials, leading to cracks or breaks in shingles. Cracked or broken shingles compromise the integrity of your roof and should be addressed promptly to prevent water damage and potential structural issues.

5. Granule Loss

Granules provide protection to shingles, shielding them from UV rays and enhancing durability. Wind damage can cause granule loss, leaving shingles exposed and vulnerable to deterioration. If you notice an accumulation of granules in your gutters or downspouts, it’s a sign that your roof may have suffered wind damage.

6. Damaged Flashing

Flashing is essential for preventing water intrusion around roof penetrations such as chimneys, vents, and skylights. High winds can loosen or damage flashing, compromising its effectiveness and increasing the risk of leaks. Inspect flashing regularly for signs of damage and ensure it is properly sealed to maintain a watertight barrier.

7. Water Stains

Water stains inside your home, like the ceiling and walls, are a clear indicator of a roof leak. While leaks can result from various issues, including damaged flashing or deteriorated sealant, wind damage can exacerbate these problems by compromising the integrity of your roof system. If you notice water stains or discolouration on your ceiling or wall surfaces, it’s essential to investigate the source promptly.

8. Sagging or Deformities

Wind damage can weaken the structural integrity of your roof, leading to sagging or deformities in certain areas. Inspect your roofline from the ground to identify any noticeable dips or irregularities, as these may indicate underlying damage that requires immediate attention.

9. Loose or Damaged Gutters and Downspouts

High winds can also impact your gutter system, causing it to become loose or damaged. Inspect gutters and downspouts for signs of detachment, bending, or corrosion, as these issues can compromise drainage and contribute to water damage to your roof and home’s foundation.

10. Pooled Water on the Roof

After a windstorm, check your roof for pooled water, especially in low-lying areas or around debris. Pooled water can accelerate roof deterioration and lead to leaks if left unaddressed. Ensure proper drainage to prevent water accumulation and mitigate potential damage.

11. Damaged Soffits and Fascia

Soffits and fascia are vulnerable to wind damage, particularly if they are old or poorly maintained. Inspect these components for signs of cracking, warping, or detachment, as they play a crucial role in protecting your roof and attic from moisture intrusion and pests.

12. Increased Energy Bills

While not immediately visible, wind damage to your roof can impact your home’s energy efficiency. Leaks or compromised insulation can result in heat loss during winter and increased cooling costs in summer. If you notice a significant spike in your energy bills, it could be a sign that your roof has sustained damage and is no longer functioning optimally.

13. Previous Storm Damage

Lastly, if your home has experienced severe weather events in the past, it’s essential to be vigilant for signs of recurring damage. Even minor wind damage can worsen over time, leading to more extensive and costly repairs if left unattended. Keep records of any previous repairs or inspections and prioritise proactive maintenance with common roofing services to safeguard your home against future storms.


In conclusion, wind damage to your roof can manifest in various ways, from missing shingles to water stains on ceilings. Regular inspections and prompt leak repairs are key to mitigating the effects of wind damage and preserving the integrity of your roof.

By familiarising yourself with these 12 signs of wind damage, Brisbane homeowners can take proactive steps to protect their homes and ensure peace of mind, even in the face of severe weather.

To ensure that every corner of your roof is inspected, consult Brisbane Roof and Paint today!

Written by
Zachary Douglas
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Written by Zachary Douglas